The project partners have published a call for expression of interest, whose aim is to establish a list of lawyers and notaries who may be invited to join the different training activities. These activities include online training, available as of 1st November 2021, and four presential training seminars. The first one will be in Rome in January 2022. The project partners will soon release the definitive dates of the following seminars (due to be held in Brussels, Sofia and Madrid).
It is important to note that, in order to attend the seminars, it is necessary to attend the online training first. Each partner is now carrying out dissemination activities at national level, through its own network. Applications are being gathered and participants in the first seminar will be selected by the end of October. This will allow sufficient time to complete the online training before joining the seminar in Rome.
Lawyers and notaries interested in the training are invited to consult the call for interest below, where – besides selection criteria – more information is provided on the different activities (content, language, duration etc.). To apply, professionals are invited to fill the application form below and send it to, together with their CV and a brief motivational letter. The selection is made separately for each activity; therefore, it is possible to apply to attend more than one seminar.
Any question on the training activities may be sent to the email address above-mentioned.
LIGHT 101007890 Call for expression of interest
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