This web page aims to communicate and highlight all the activities related to the project and tell you more about the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, using an easy and plain language, accessible also to non-experts.
The website will be composed by six sections.
The Homepage contains an overview of the project and its main goal. There, you can find the links to be redirected to social networks (…by the way, follow us! We are on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and to subscribe to our mailing list.
On top of the page, you will find the Project section. Visit it if you want to know more about the project, its purpose and its goals. Next to it, there is the Partners section. It includes partners’ logos and a short description of who they are and what they do.
The Materials area is where you have to go if you want to deepen the theme. There, you will find training materials, podcasts (concerning each seminar), videos and project results, available for free to anyone interested. We will also gather relevant material on AML/CFT and some news about other EU funded initiatives, to develop as many synergies as possible. The conclusions of the final conference will also be published here.
To know more about the events organised by the consortium you can check the “Events” section, while press releases, articles and important communications relevant to the project purpose, as well as two newsletters, will be uploaded in the “News” section.
Last but not least, you can contact us anytime using the e-mail address in the “Contacts” section.