LIGHT Training Activities Are Approaching: Soon to Begin the Selection of Participants

The training activities planned in the framework of our project are about to start: the asynchronous online training will be available as of November 2021, while the four training seminars will be held in the first semester of 2022. Indeed, the first seminar is approaching: it will be held in Rome in January, on 13th and 14th. Therefore, partners will soon begin the selection of the 240 legal professionals who will join the different training activities.

These 240 participants are equally split among professions (120 notaries and 120 lawyers) and among countries (60 from Belgium, 60 from Bulgaria, 60 from Italy and 60 from Spain). While all of them are allowed to attend the online training, only 60 persons will attend each seminar. Thanks to the funding of the European Union, travel expenses may be reimbursed to the participants.

A call for expression of interest is going to be published and disseminated by the partners, in order to establish a list of lawyers and notaries who may be invited to attend. Among the selection criteria: knowledge of English and experience in the field of AML/CFT. It is to be noted that the training is only targeted at lawyers and notaries. Moreover, participation in the online training is mandatory prior to the seminar, with a view to aligning the knowledge on the topic.

The seminars address both theory and practice and the high-level speakers will discuss different topics related to AML/CFT: from the role of legal professions to the FATF guidelines, from reporting obligations to virtual currencies.

In order to complete the online training in advance, those wishing to attend the seminar in January are required to send the application by the end of October.

More information will follow.